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New Biweekly Series: Advanced Bridge Design and Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction

Writer's picture: Saqib KhanSaqib Khan

We're thrilled to introduce our upcoming biweekly blog post series on Advanced Bridge Design and Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction. This series is co-presented by Saqib Khan, Principal Bridge Engineer at Spannovation, and Lalinda Weerasekara, Principal Geotechnical Engineer at Ecora.

This comprehensive series will guide you through key geotechnical and structural challenges in bridge design, with a focus on seismic soil-structure interaction. Our series is structured into four main parts:

Part 1: Fundamentals of Pile Design and Seismic Considerations

  • Equivalent Depth of Fixity of Piles - Understanding this concept is crucial for determining pile stiffness and displacement.

  • Pile Design with Scour Considerations - Learn how scour affects pile design and compare different analysis methods.

  • Analyzing Piles Under Lateral Spreading - Explore current practices and their limitations in evaluating piles under these conditions.

  • Overcoming Limitations in Lateral Spreading Analysis - Discover advanced techniques and software for more accurate analysis and design.

Part 2: Advanced Seismic Soil-Structure Analysis

  • Soil-Structure Interaction for Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA) - Learn how to determine secant spring stiffness values for various seismic scenarios.

  • Soil-Structure Interaction for Pushover Analysis - Dive into nonlinear soil springs and their role in structural analysis.

  • Impact of Liquefaction on Bridge Structures - Understand the effects of liquefaction and explore mitigation strategies.

  • Combining Kinematic and Inertial Demands in Seismic Design - Address the complex interplay of forces during seismic events.

Part 3: Serviceability and Performance-Based Design

  • Allowable Differential Settlements for Different Seismic Performance Levels - Explore serviceability criteria based on various performance levels.

  • Geotechnical Resistance Factors for Pile Foundations in Seismic Design - Learn how to achieve accurate and reliable designs using performance-based criteria.

  • Uncertainty in Soil Springs and Resistance Factors for Lateral Loading of Piles - Examine the challenges in current practices and potential improvements.

  • Failure Mechanisms and Analysis Methods for Bents on Isolated Spread Footings - Study failure modes and prevention strategies through practical case studies.

Part 4: Special Topics and Conclusion

  • Superstructure Resistance Limitations in Abutments Affected by Lateral Spreading - Explore alternative design strategies when superstructure resistance is compromised.

  • True Factor of Safety for Abutments with Respect to Slope Instability - Learn methods to accurately assess abutment stability in challenging conditions.

Each post will function as a standalone article while building on previous topics, creating a coherent narrative for professionals seeking in-depth knowledge of engineering deep foundations for bridges. Stay tuned for our first post coming soon starting next week!


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